General conditions of sale and use of Fil Bleu transport and tickets

updated on 03/03/2022


Keolis Tours - Fil Bleu network operator for Tours Métropole Val de Loire

  • address: avenue de Florence 37700 Saint Pierre des Corps
  • Trade & Companies Register number (RCS): 311 567 416 RCS Tours
  • VAT number: FR 75 311 567 416
  • Customer service telephone number: +33 (0)2 47 66 70 70

1. General conditions

  • The purpose of these general conditions is to govern the conditions of sale and use of transport media and tickets throughout the Fil Bleu network (bus lines, tramways, taxis, Park & Ride car parks, bicycle parks, and Carriage) servicing the urban area of Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine and managed by Keolis Tours, hereinafter referred to as the Operator. Together with the Public Regulations of Use, these conditions form the transport contract governing the obligations between the customer and the Operator, and is applicable to all Fil Bleu network services as embodied by the transport media or tickets.
  • These general conditions also define the rights and obligations of the parties regarding the use of the e-shop and online sales on the website.
  • Placing an e-shop order implies the customer’s unconditional acceptance of these general conditions. To submit their orders, customers must tick the box "I accept the general conditions of sale and use".
  • These conditions and the Public Regulations for Use can be viewed on the website. To obtain a copy, or for any queries regarding their application, customers are invited to contact the Fil Bleu network:
    • from their personal area on the website
    • by email to
    • by telephone on +33 (0)2 47 66 70 70 from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm
    • by post to Fil Bleu – Service Clients - Avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS
    • at the Fil Bleu sales office - 9 rue Michelet 37000 TOURS

2. Fil Bleu Fares

  • Fil Bleu fares are determined by Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine on 1 August each year. This date may vary, and the operator will inform its customers at its sales office and through its website
  • Fares are stated in Euros including VAT and excluding delivery costs in the fare schedules available from all Fil Bleu sales or reload points and on the website.
  • A delivery charge of € 1 is applied for the purchase of a card or contactless ticket through the e-shop. Delivery charges are at the customer's expense and are displayed before the order is submitted. These charges are free for any customers who choose to pay their monthly fee or Liberté ticket by automatic direct debit.
  • Children under 11 years old are free of charge. No ticket is required for children under 5 years old. To travel in good standing on the Fil Bleu network, Customers aged 5 to 10 must have a support (contactless card or ticket), loaded with a free 5-10 year Pass ticket valid for the entire duration of the journey (1 hour) and validate it on a Fil Bleu validation device, each time they board a bus or tram.
  • Single tickets and travel tickets are valid for one person only. Each trip is valid for 1 hour, with unlimited connecting trips during this time.
  • The 2-trip ticket is valid for one person only. Each trip is valid for 1 hour, with unlimited connecting trips during this time.
  • The 1h Family ticket is valid for 3 to 4 people travelling together on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The ticket is valid for 1 hour, unlimited connections during the hour. This ticket is valid regardless of the composition of the group of 3 to 4 people. For example, the fare can be purchased for 2 children under 11 years old and 2 adults.

  • The 24-hour ticket is valid for one person only. It is valid for 24 hours after the first validation, with unlimited connecting trips during this period.
  • The 48-hour ticket is valid for one person only. It is valid for 48 hours after the first validation, with unlimited connecting trips during this period.
  • The bicycle parking ticket is valid for a period of 24 hours. It only allows its beneficiary to access bicycle parking. Other Fil Bleu services are not accessible with this ticket.
  • The 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h, 120h and 168h PASS tickets are valid for one person only. They are valid for 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, 120 hours and 168 hours respectively after the first validation. Unlimited connections during this period. They are sold exclusively by the Tourist Office to convention attendees and as part of the City Pass.
  • The Park & Ride pass is valid for 1 to 4 passengers at the entrance to the P+R car park. Each person’s ticket will be valid for the entire day of purchase. With unlimited connecting trips during this period.
  • The group ticket can be used during off-peak hours (from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) for a group of 10 to 20, or 21 to 40 people during the school period. During school holidays, it can be used without any time restrictions. Group tickets are valid for 1 hour, with unlimited connecting trips during this time. Schools or associations travelling with children under the age of 11 benefit from a free group ticket. However, it must be validated, and valid for 10 to 40 people travelling together on the same time restrictions and days as the network's group tickets. Accompanying adults and children aged 11 and over must have a ticket to travel. 
  • Subscriptions entitle holders to travel freely on the entire Fil Bleu bus and tram network, including, P+R car parks, bicycle parks (P+V) and the carriage service. The subscriptions available are as follows:
    • The 5 – 10 year old pass is valid free of charge for a single person aged 5 to 10 years old. It will be valid until the child is 11 years old.
    • The 11 - 18 year-olds Pass is valid for a single person aged 11 to 18 inclusive, from the 1st to the last day of the month. For 10 consecutive months purchased, the 11th and 12th are free of charge on presentation of proof of purchase.
    • The 19 - 25 year-olds Pass is valid for a single person aged 19 to 25 inclusive, from the 1st to the last day of the month. For 10 consecutive months purchased, the 11th and 12th are free of charge on presentation of proof of purchase.
    • The 26 - 64 year-olds Pass is valid for a single person aged 26 to 64 inclusive, from the 1st to the last day of the month. For 11 consecutive months purchased, the 12th is free of charge on presentation of proof of purchase.
    • The over-65s Pass is valid for a single person aged 65 and over, from the 1st to the last day of the month. For 11 consecutive months purchased, the 12th is free of charge on presentation of proof of purchase.
    • The annual Students Pass is valid for a single student or apprentice up to the age of 25, from the 1st day of purchase to the last day of the 12th month. The price includes 2 free months. It is payable at the time of purchase, in one go and non-refundable. 
    • The QF 700 Pass is valid for a single person whose household Family Quotient is between €551 and €700 inclusive and residing in the Fil Bleu perimeter made up of the municipalities of Tours Métropole Val de Loire and the municipalities of La Ville-aux-Dames, Vouvray and Vernou sur Brenne. Subscription valid from the 1st to the last day of the month.
    • The QF 550 Pass is valid for a single person whose household Family Quotient is between € 351 and € 550 inclusive and residing within the Fil Bleu perimeter including the municipalities of Tours Métropole Val de Loire and the municipalities of La Ville-aux-Dames, Vouvray and Vernou sur Brenne. Subscription valid from the first to the last day of the month.
    • The QF 350 Pass is valid for a single person whose household Family Quotient is less than or equal to € 350 and residing within the Fil Bleu perimeter including the municipalities of Tours Métropole Val de Loire and the municipalities of La Ville-aux-Dames, Vouvray and Vernou sur Brenne. Subscription valid from the first to the last day of the month.
    • The AAH Pass is valid for a single person benefiting from the Adult Disability Allowance and residing within the Fil Bleu perimeter, including the municipalities of Tours Métropole Val de Loire and the municipalities of La Ville-aux-Dames, Vouvray and Vernou sur Brenne. Subscription valid from the 1st to the last day of the month.
  • This “Disabled” pass entitles holders to travel freely at no charge throughout the Fil Bleu network from the first to the last day of the month. A processing fee of € 10 is applied each year when the pass is renewed. This pass is available to holders of the disability or Mobilité Inclusion card with a disability rate of at least 80%, beneficiaries of a pension following an occupational disease or accident with at least a 66% disability rate, and holders of a veteran's card with a disability rate of at least 75%. Customers can request a second travel card subject to the same conditions. To do this, the caption “Besoin d’accompagnement [accompaniment required])" must appear on the disability or Inclusion Mobility card.
  • The Liberté ticket is loaded on named media. It is sold exclusively on a post-payment basis, by direct debit.
  • The Liberté Pro ticket is loaded on media issued in the name of the sponsoring company. It is a travel ticket. It is sold exclusively on an invoice basis. It is restricted to associations, companies and schools.
  • The Citicks Pass is valid for one person. Fil Bleu monthly subscribers can purchase this pass at the time of purchase of the monthly subscription while stocks last. It can be purchased at the sales office and on Fil Bleu mobile kiosks. It cannot be used for travel on the Fil Bleu bus and tram network.
  • The Fil Bleu Carriage service is available free of charge to any Fil Bleu customer with a contactless card loaded with a valid monthly Fil Bleu subscription. It must be presented to the coachman on entering the carriage. Fil Bleu travel tickets do not allow you to use the Carriage. Carriage tickets are sold by the coachman. They are valid for 1 person and for the circuit on which they were purchased. No connecting trips to the other Fil Bleu network lines allowed.

3. Transport media

  • Contactless cards are produced or re-issued at the Fil Bleu sales office or on the website e-shop.
  • The following types of cards are issued to customers:
    • Named: the customer's photo, surname and first name are printed on the card and his/her personal data is stored electronically. This card is strictly personal and will accept travel tickets and reloadable subscriptions using any method of payment.
    • Named, with anonymised data: the customer's photo, surname and first name are printed on the card and his/her personal data is not stored. The card is strictly personal and will accept travel tickets and all age-related subscriptions, and is only reloadable on a prepayment basis.
    • Anonymous: only the word "Anonymous" is printed on the card and no personal data is entered or stored. "Bearer" cards. Bearer cards only accept prepaid travel tickets.
  • A € 2 card processing fee is charged to customers for their 1st card. No processing fee is charged to any customer who chooses to pay for the subscription by direct debit, for the Liberty package, nor to persons holding QF and AAH passes.
  • Card reconstitution fees are requested in the following cases: the card is expired, lost or stolen, damaged, the Customer wishes to change an element on his card (photo, surname, first name, etc.) or the card has been seized by the verification agents in the case of use by a third party. They amount to €10 and €5 for any customer opting to pay for their subscription by direct debit, for the Freedom formula, as well as to people benefiting from the QF, AAH Pass and Free 5-10 Year Old Pass. Payment of these fees is made by cheque, cash or traditional bank cards equipped with contactless technology, at the Fil Bleu sales agency located at 9 rue Michelet in Tours, at the time of reconstitution of the card.
  • As long as the Customer has not had their card remade, they must purchase a ticket before boarding a Fil Bleu vehicle. The Client may not demand any compensation or reimbursement of the title(s) purchased during this period.
  • Contactless tickets are not named and are reloadable. They are valid for 2 years. On expiry, the media is no longer usable.
  • To encourage reuse and reloading, a fee of € 0.10 is applied when "Contactless Ticket" media is initially purchased. Contactless tickets can be reloaded on board buses, at ticket vending machines in tramway stations, at Fil Bleu reload points (approved retail outlets), at Fil Bleu mobile kiosks and at the Fil Bleu sales office. The prices are displayed at the sales office and on the website.
  • Contactless tickets cannot be reused in Fil Bleu automated Park & Ride car parks.
  • No fees are applied to the tickets available on the M-Ticket.

4. Media life span

  • Card and contactless tickets have a life span of 8 years and 2 years respectively. On expiry, the media is permanently out of use. To continue to travel on the Fil Bleu network, customers must go to the Fil Bleu sales office located at 9 rue Michelet in Tours to have a new card issued.
  • Any tickets remaining in the expired card are fully transferred to the new one. A media processing fee is charged. Ticket credit cannot be refunded.

5. Purchasing tickets

  • Monthly subscriptions are valid from the 1st to the last day of the month. They are sold between the 20th of the previous month and the 19th of the current month (see details on subscriptions, art. 2.15).
  • All tickets are available at the Fil Bleu sales office - 9 rue Michelet, Tours.
  • Other ticket purchase or reloading points are bus drivers, Fil Bleu reload points (approved retail outlets), Fil Bleu mobile kiosks, Park & Ride car park attendants, ticket vending machines in tramway stations, direct debit and through the website e-shop and on the Fil Bleu M-Ticket application.
  • Discounts are granted to customers holding a monthly subscription: the 12th month is free if the customer provides proof of purchase for 11 consecutive months, for the 26 - 64 year-olds Pass and the + 65 year-olds Pass. The 11th and 12th months are free if the customer provides proof of purchase for 10 consecutive months, for the Pass, 11 – 18 year-olds Pass, and the 19 – 25 year-olds Pass.
  • The payment methods accepted at the Fil Bleu sales office are standard or contactless credit cards, cheques, service vouchers, cash and direct debit (see conditions art. 6). Some organisations may request payment on invoice.
  • Bus drivers issue Single, 2-trip, 24h, 1h Family and Events tickets. Only cash payment is accepted.
  • The payment methods accepted at our Fil Bleu mobile kiosks are standard and contactless credit cards and cheques.
  • Attendants at the Vaucanson, Jean Monnet and Sagerie Park & Ride facilities only sell Park & Ride tickets when on duty. The accepted means of payment are cash and standard and contactless credit cards. The accepted means of payment are cash and traditional bank cards with contactless technology.
  • The Euro is the accepted currency for the payment of Fil Bleu network services. Customers are required to prepare the right amount in coins (art. L112-5 of the Monetary Code) when purchasing from the bus driver or Park & Ride guarded car parks. Banknotes with denominations greater than € 20 will be refused.
  • Ticket vending machines in tramway stations and bus stops only accept coins with denominations greater than 10 cents, standard or contactless credit cards. Bank notes will be refused.
  • The authorised means of payment at Fil Bleu approved retail outlets are those accepted at the point of sale.
  • The M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app allows customers to purchase several different ticket types from the network’s range of fares. The available products are: 1-trip tickets, 2-trip tickets, 10-trip tickets, 24-hour tickets or 48-hour tickets, 1 hour Family tickets, Carriage tickets and Event day tickets. This list of ticket types is likely to evolve over time. The Fil Bleu range of fares also applies to M-Tickets

6. Direct debit

  • Registering for automatic direct debit is contractual and free of charge.
  • The monthly for Pass, 11 – 18 year-olds Pass, 19 – 25 year-olds Pass, 26 – 64 year-olds Pass, +65 year-olds Pass, QF350 Pass, QF550 Pass, QF700 Pass and AAH Pass can be paid for by direct debit. The Liberté post-payment package is paid exclusively by direct debit.
  • Effective date: direct debit registrations take effect on the 1st of the month after signing the contract, provided that this occurs before the 25th of the previous month. The contract is valid on the date of signing.
  • Right of withdrawal: for automatic direct debit registrations not completed in our sales office, a letter or e-mail is sent to the customer stating that their right of withdrawal may be exercised, without a penalty and without having to provide any reason whatsoever, within seven full days from the date of signing the contract. When the seven-day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the period is extended to the next working day.
  • Duration, suspension and termination: our direct debit contracts are valid for an indefinite period. Payment of the subscription by direct debit implies the automatic renewal of the subscription every month.
    • Customers may suspend or terminate payment of their travel ticket by automatic direct debit. Either action is effective on the 1st of the following month if the request was made before the 25th of the previous month
      • from their personal area on the website
      • by email to
      • by telephone on +33 (0)2 47 66 70 70 from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm
      • by post to Fil Bleu – Service Clients - Avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS
      • at the Fil Bleu sales office - 9 rue Michelet 37000 TOURS
    • The Operator reserves the right to suspend direct debit payment of subscriptions benefiting from reduced rates (QF Pass and AAH Pass) if the customer does not provide the supporting documents proving that he/she meets the conditions for eligibility.
    • If customer wishes to continue travelling, he or she is then free to reload his or her tickets at the Fil Bleu sales office, authorised Fil Bleu points of sale or tramway station ticket vending machines.
  • Debit date and notification:
    • For monthly subscriptions: the earliest debit date is the 10th of each month for the current month's subscription.
    • Liberté packages are debited on the 15th of the month following the customer's trip if the amount to be debited is greater than or equal to € 10 or if the customer has not been debited for 3 months.
    • Direct debits are in SEPA format. To pay by direct debit, the customer must complete and sign an authorisation form and provide his/her bank details (IBAN). The Operator then issues him/her a single mandate reference number for each of his/her Fil Bleu contracts.
    • The Operator notifies the customer by email, or by post, at least 5 days before the debit date. Monthly subscriptions are debited as per a schedule sent once a year and/or whenever the Fil Bleu fares are changed. The Operator uses email as a priority means for sending notifications.
    • The customer can object to an authorised debit with his/her bank within 8 weeks from the date of debiting his/her account. For unauthorised debits, this period is extended to 13 months from the date on which the account is debited. If the objection is unwarranted, the Operator reserves the right to charge the customer processing costs equivalent to 10% of the disputed amount.
    • Whenever a subscription is taken out or a mandate signed, it is the customer's responsibility to provide accurate, complete information and to inform the Operator as soon as possible of any changes to said information occurring during the contract, by post to Fil Bleu - Avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS, by email to Should the customer fail to comply with this obligation, he/she may not claim non-receipt of information and/or notifications sent by the Operator in the event of a dispute.
  • Commercial certificates: from their personal area on the filbleu.frwebsite, customers who have opted for direct debit can access their monthly certificate or Liberté travel details for the previous month or months, free of charge. Customer can receive either of these commercial statements by mail, simply by making a request:
    • from their personal area on the website
    • by email to
    • by telephone on +33 (0)2 47 66 70 70 from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm
    • by post to Fil Bleu – Service Clients - Avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS
    • at the Fil Bleu sales office - 9 rue Michelet 37000 TOURS
  • The postal delivery costs amount to € 1 for each document sent by Fil Bleu to its customers.
  • Changing bank account holder and account:
    • If the bank holder or account number changes, the bank holder must complete and sign a new mandate for each of his/her contracts. The holder must provide his/her new bank details. The account holder can complete this formality through the Fil Bleu contact channel of his/her choice.
    • In the event of a change of bank account holder, the new bank account holder pays any deferred withdrawals that have not yet been paid by the previous bank account holder.

7. Online orders on the e-shop

  • The customer's personal area: the customer must create a personal area before placing any order on the Fil Bleu e-shop. On the website, customers can view their order history and e-shop or direct debit proofs of purchase, which are kept for 3 years by the Operator.
  • Completing and submitting orders 
    • Submitting your shopping cart and choice of payment method formalises the sales contract signed with the Operator.
    • Any order implies acceptance of these general conditions.
    • The Operator acknowledges receipt of orders by sending the customer a confirmation email.
  • Suspending and cancelling orders
    • For any problem relating to the order, the Operator may suspend or cancel the order until the problem is resolved. The Operator then informs the customer by email.
    • If an order is cancelled, any amount paid via the Fil Bleu e-shop will be refunded to the customer's account within 30 days of cancellation.
  • Delivery 
  • Contactless card or ticket ordering: the Customer receives the contactless card or ticket by La Poste. The delivery time is indicated to the customer during the order summary. A click and collect service is available to customers to have their card available within 24 hours after validation of their purchase in the e-shop. A text message will be sent to the customer to notify them of the availability of the card. The 24-hour delay is not a firm commitment and may depend on the time of creation of the card by the customer on the e-shop.
  •  Ordering transport tickets 
    • Contactless cards can be reloaded on the e-shop. To reload contactless tickets, see article 3. Transport media
    • Customers must swipe their contactless cards against a ticket scanner (in busses or trams) or a ticket vending machine in tramway stations to load the ticket purchased via the e-shop.
    • In general, the ticket can be activated within 72 hours of purchase from the e-shop. When ordering from the e-shop, the customer is informed of the date from which the purchased ticket can be activated.
    • The date when the ticket becomes available for loading is the ticket delivery date.
    • Delivery delays: in the event of a delay of more than 7 working days after the delivery date indicated at the time of the order, except in cases of force majeure, customers may cancel their order by contacting Fil Bleu customer care. In this case, the customer will be refunded within a maximum of 14 days.
  • Liabilities 
    • The Operator is responsible for the proper performance of the obligations arising from the distance selling contract, unless it proves that the improper performance of the contract is attributable either to the customer, a case of force majeure, or to an unforeseeable and insurmountable fault of a third party to the contract.
    • The Operator cannot be held liable for damages inherent to the use of the Internet, in particular the presence of computer viruses or cases of force majeure.
  • Returns and refunds 
    • Checking orders: customers must check that the transport media or tickets received or purchased match their orders. Failing this, the customer must file a complaint with Fil Bleu customer care in accordance with the provisions below.
    • Returns 
      • In the event of a defective or non-compliant contactless card or ticket (wrong photo or wrong cardholder identity), the customer must go to the Fil Bleu sales office within 8 working days of receiving the order. A new card will be issued on presentation of the defective card. Customers riding with non-compliant media may be issued a fine in the event of a ticket inspection.
      • If the ticket loaded on the card or the contactless ticket is not the one purchased by the customer, he/she must go to the Fil Bleu sales office as soon as possible.
    • Right of withdrawal: pursuant to Article L221-2 of the Consumer Code, the contract the customer enters into for an online purchase is not subject to the right of withdrawal applicable to distance sales contracts: transport tickets, contactless tickets and contactless cards are the media used to provide a passenger transportation service.

8. Purchase and Use of Tickets via the M-Ticket Option on the Fil Bleu Mobile App

Mobile Tickets or “M-Tickets” are electronic travel tickets purchased on the Fil Bleu mobile app, via the Customer’s smartphone. The M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app can be accessed using a tixiPASS account, a service provided by Airweb.

By creating an M-Ticket customer account on the Fil Bleu mobile app, you also create a TixiPASS account, which you can also access via the tixiPASS mobile app.


8.1 Customer Account

In order to purchase tickets using the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app, an M-Ticket customer account must be created by a person aged 18 or over who is legally capable of entering into contracts. The Customer should note that the use of M-Tickets on the Fil Bleu mobile app requires Android 5 or IOS 12, or later operating systems. The M-Ticket customer account holder is liable for purchases made in their name, unless they are able to prove that their account was used fraudulently through no fault or negligence on their part. The account holder guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information that they themselves provide or that is provided by any other third party using their M-Ticket account.


Creating an M-Ticket customer account via the Fil Bleu mobile app allows the Customer to use their smartphone to purchase electronic Fil Bleu travel tickets, which can be used across the Fil Bleu public transport network. By creating an M-Ticket customer account via the Fil Bleu mobile app, the Customer also creates a tixiPASS account, which enables them to use the same username and password to log in to the tixiPASS mobile app or log in to M-Ticket mobile apps provided by other transport networks partnered with tixiPASS, in order to purchase electronic travel tickets for public transport networks partnered with tixiPASS.


8.2 Making and Confirming Purchases

The Customer agrees to the purchase of M-Ticket travel tickets by accepting the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale, by confirming their Basket, and by verifying their bank card payment, all of which are performed via the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app.


By completing a purchase, the Customer accepts the fares and conditions for using the tickets which are offered for sale via the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app.

Travel tickets available for purchase through the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app can only be paid for by bank card.


The payment service provider PAYZEN sends the Customer a booking confirmation email, along with the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale for customers to refer to at a later date.

In the event of payment failure, transactions being declined by the Customer’s bank or financial institution, or any other issue related to the purchase of tickets, Fil Bleu may suspend the Customer’s request until the problem has been resolved, or even cancel it.


The customer's bank account is debited when the order has been confirmed.


In accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 213-1, D. 213-1 and D. 213-2 of the French Consumer Code, when a purchase involves a sum equal to or greater than 120 (one hundred and twenty) euros, Fil Bleu retains the written statement pertaining to it for a period of 10 (ten) years and guarantees access to this document at any time, upon request by the buyer.


Right of Withdrawal: The Customer is informed that, in accordance with Article L. 221-2 of the French Consumer Code, travel tickets sold via the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app do not fall within the scope of Articles L 221-18 et seq. of the French Consumer Code regarding distance sales contracts: travel tickets are media that give their holders a right to access public transport services. Therefore, payments confirmed by the Customer may not be retracted.



8.3 Using Travel Tickets on the M-Ticket App

Customers must validate tickets purchased via the M-Ticket option on the Fil Bleu mobile app each time they board a Fil Bleu vehicle, by presenting the ticket’s QR code inside the vehicle. To ensure they are correctly using an M-Ticket stored in the Fil Bleu mobile app, the Customer must select an M-Ticket from their digital wallet in the Fil Bleu mobile app, and then tap “Validate”. They must then present the QR code displayed on the ticket inside each Fil Bleu vehicle they use. The Customer can access the M-Tickets stored on their Fil Bleu mobile app using any smartphone, by logging in to their M-Ticket account.

If no QR code is displayed, or the QR code does not work inside the vehicle, the Customer must obtain a valid ticket before travelling (via the Sales Office, other points of sale, bus drivers or ticket machine). An absent QR code cannot serve as justification for travelling without a valid ticket.


In the event of a ticket inspection, the Customer must be able to prove that the name shown on their M-Ticket customer account is the same as that shown on the identity documents that they may be requested to show to ticket inspectors.


The Customer can purchase several M-Tickets on a single device (smartphone). It is possible to validate several different travel tickets on one device, which allows customers to travel together using a single device (smartphone). When travelling with a single device (smartphone), customers must travel together. In the event of a ticket inspection, any customer unable to produce a valid ticket may be subject to a report and issued with a fine for travelling without a ticket. 


The Customer shall not be eligible for a full or partial refund of their ticket:

    • On free public transport days planned by the Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine (organising authority) or in the event of network disruption (poor weather conditions, incidents, demonstrations, strikes, etc.) that falls outside the cases provided for by the law on social dialogue and service continuity in regular ground passenger transport, and its practical implications set out by the Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine.
    • If their travel ticket has not been used.
    • If they forget their smartphone, are unable to access the Fil Bleu mobile app and M-Tickets (due to their device running out of battery), are unable to produce the proof of identity required to use travel tickets subject to special conditions (age, place of residence, etc.) or do not respect travel tickets’ validity conditions (failure to validate tickets), the Customer is considered as travelling on an invalid or irregular ticket.


All provisions related to ticket inspection and fineable offences can be found in the Terms of Use that the Customer may refer to at any time.


8.4 Liabilities

The Operator is responsible for the proper performance of the obligations arising from the sale of M-Tickets via the Fil Bleu mobile app, unless it can prove that the improper performance of the sale is attributable either to the Customer, to a case of force majeure, or to an unforeseeable and insurmountable fault of a third party to the sale.


The Operator cannot be held liable for damages inherent to the use of the Internet, in particular the presence of computer viruses or cases of force majeure.

9. Personal data

  • The personal data collected is processed in order to manage the ticket, to facilitate commercial prospecting, to prevent and manage unpaid tickets, as well as the theft and loss of tickets, to carry out statistical analyses and to combat fraud throughout the period of validity of the ticket.
  • It is intended for the services of the Fil Bleu network (operated by Keolis Tours on behalf of Tours Métropole Val de Loire - Syndicat de Mobilité de Touraine), which is responsible for processing it, as well as, where applicable, its partners, subcontractors or service providers, and the persons and organisations legally entitled to receive this data (specifying that any transmission outside the EU will be carried out in accordance with the regulations).
  • Compulsory information requested at the time of collection is indicated by an asterisk. The customer's order will not be completed if they have failed to provide the compulsory information. Personal data is kept for the time required for the administrative and accounting management of subscribed services and to promote Fil Bleu network services.
  • The customer has the right to access, modify, rectify, limit, oppose, delete, transfer and determine the desired outcome for post-mortem personal data concerning him/her, which he/she may exercise with Keolis Tours (operator of the Fil Bleu network). The customer has the right to file a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL). The customer may also object to the processing of their personal data for commercial purposes by the operator.
  • The customer may exercise his/her rights, with proof of identity, by writing to Fil Bleu - Keolis Tours - Délégué à la Protection des Données - at the postal address avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS or by electronic means, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Privacy Policy section of the website. For any question relating to the processing of personal data, the customer may also contact the Data Protection Officer.
  • Within the framework of interoperable devices, personal data can be exchanged with the transport networks partners of the Fil Bleu network, as long as the customer makes use of the benefit of interoperability and the transport networks considered.
  • Any call to (the after-sales service for your ticket, etc.) may be recorded to facilitate training and evaluation of our services and staff, as well as to improve the quality of service. To this end, the customer has the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete the said records, as mentioned above.
  • If the customer has objected to the retention of his or her photo in digital format, a new photo will be requested each time the transport card is requested. 
  • In the event of a payment dispute, if the customer fails to settle the sums due despite the reminders, the Operator reserves the right to disable the corresponding contactless card and blacklist the customer.
  • For more information on the processing of personal data, we invite the customer to consult the Personal Data Privacy Policy available in the website footer.

10. Complaints

  • Customers may file complaints about the services can be made to Fil Bleu:
    • from their personal area on the website
    • by email to
    • by telephone on +33 (0)2 47 66 70 70 from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm
    • by post to Fil Bleu – Service Clients - Avenue de Florence 37700 ST PIERRE DES CORPS
    • at the Fil Bleu sales office - 9 rue Michelet 37000 TOURS
  • Pursuant to article L.612 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the Customer, after having contacted the Fil Bleu Customer Service and failing a satisfactory response within 2 months, may resort to a conventional mediation procedure with the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage -BP 80 303- 75 823 Paris Cedex 17) and procedures for referral are available on its website:

11. Application and changes

  • The operator reserves the right to change these general conditions of sale at any time. They will apply within 15 days of their publication on the Fil Bleu website. The provisions of this document are governed by French law.
  • Any dispute shall be submitted to the competent jurisdictions of the competent Court.